Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dead October

Chris Kalna--September 21, 2010

Get the food ready, unpack your Ram apparel and lower the tailgates. I, being a baseball romantic, still held out hope until yesterday's game. The Cardinals had just defeated the San Diego Padres over the weekend, three games to one and had narrowed the Cincinnati Reds' lead to six games. But reality set in when the Redbirds bats disappeared again in Florida as the Marlins shut them out 4-0. St. Louis is now 6 games back of the Cincinnati Reds, who's magic number is now down to 6.

While Cardinal nation has every right to point fingers and assign responsibility for this clubs sudden collapse. The answer is very simple. The Cardinal offense. Through 149 games this season the supposed talent rich roster has managed to be shut out 13 times. Scoring just 1 run in 17 other contests and managing to tally an anemic 2 in 21 other games. In the now famous words of Jack "The Ripper" Clark, that is pathetic. Remember that the Deadbirds have participated in 149 regular season contests thus far. And in over ONE THIRD of those affairs have managed 2 runs or less! That is why Busch Stadium will be empty in October. In 51 games this season St. Louis has scored less than 3 runs. Couple that with a 16-26 record against Chicago, Houston and Milwaukee, three teams in the Central Division that each have a winning percentage below .500, and you have the recipe for failure.

Another glaring weakness was this teams inability to hit with runners in scoring position. The Cardinal bats stranded more runners than Hurricane Katrina did civilians. And the base running skills that this underachieving team displayed daily should be an example to every little league team across America of how NOT to run the bases. Cardinal runners seemed more lost than President Obama without a teleprompter.

This is a team that just could never put it all together for sustained portions of calendar time. Their record against pennant contending teams Atlanta, Cincinnati and San Diego was 22-11. So that leads St. Louis Cardinal faithful to believe that this team could be motivated when it wanted to be. That's the problem. Why weren't they motivated the entire season? I know that 162 games is a grueling task and there will be times when your best is left outside of the park, but championship contenders must defeat inferior teams.

Motivation is a mystery to this Cardinal squad. An article in the St. Louis Post Dispatch today mentioned that Matt Holliday may de-throne Albert Pujols as team batting leader for the first time ever during Albert's residency here in town. You know what I say to that? So what? Where was Mr. Holliday's bat before the All Star Break? He has had a career long history of being a second half player, but why? Is he not motivated in the Springtime? Does he only heat up with the weather. Well if I were Scott Boras, Holliday's agent, I would have tried to get Arizona to sign him to a one year deal so that he could put together an entire season of excellence, not just 3 months. Then Matt could take his part time talents to New York to disappoint the Yankee faithful for half a season, then hit when nothing is on the line. Albert's greatness is that he does it all season long, every season. Though this year has seen more tough at bats for Pujol's and some extended slumps, no matter who leads the team in average at season's end there will still be no question of who is the real team leader.

Then there is the Colby Rasmus ordeal with LaRussa. It hauntingly reminds me of the J.D. Drew saga. Both players were coddled on their way up to the big leagues and when things didn't always go their way they sit the bench complaining of nagging bumps and bruises. Don't get me wrong, I believe Tony should have played Rasmus more consistently throughout the season, but it is the young players responsibility to accept his role on the team as the manager makes the calls. Colby may or may not have been treated fairly, but tough noodles. You have to take your bumps as any young professional will tell you, climb your way up the ladder and earn respect and playing time. Note that Rasmus seemed to get very motivated when he played in his home state of Georgia and since then has shed a light on what he can do as an everyday player. And like Holliday, he needs to be able to do that for an entire season.

What is sad is that this pitching staff will go down as one of the most under appreciated and undervalued collections of moundsmen that the Cardinals have ever assembled. They may have faltered a bit during the last month, but if not for the horrendous lack of run support Redbird pitchers would be the talk of baseball. Sporting a team E.R.A. of 3.61 Cardinal pitchers had allowed this team to be pennant contenders up until the beginning of September. Imagine if the brittle Brad Penny could have stayed healthy and on track all year long. Jaime Garcia could still warrant serious Rookie of the Year consideration with a 13-8 record and a ridiculously low earned run average of 2.70. Though Cris Carpenter may not have had his very best stuff this year, he being the resident bulldog of the clubhouse has still constructed a fine E.R.A. of 3.21 and a 15-8 mark on guts and guile alone. And of course the new ace of the staff Adam Wainwright. His 19-11 record should be even better considering his gaudy 2.45 E.R.A. that he has managed to post. Minus a handful of rough outings, Wainwrights statistics would have been even more impressive. I truly hope he wins number 20. He definitely deserves it.

This team has been an enigma, wrapped in a riddle and enveloped in Morse Code. They have for brief moments been been the team St. Louis expected, but more often than not they have disappointed themselves and their loyal fanbase. Because team success at the big league level is not accumulated in Batting Crowns, MVP's, or Cy Young Awards, but in Championships. And the window for success is only opened for so long in today's Major Leagues. Budget constrictions, free agency and age all will play a big hand in what product takes the field next season at Busch Stadium. This year will go down as a season lost. But lost to what? No one can be sure. What St. Louis can be sure of is that there are only so many seasons left with a roster full of Cy Young candidates and Triple Crown threats. It would be a pity to waste anymore.

Chris Kalna

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ground Zero Tolerance

"When you meet the unbelievers strike off their heads, then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives." That is a passage from the Koran. The Islamic book of faith. I refuse to call it their Holy book, because their is nothing Holy about the quote above. "...but if they turn renegade seize them and slay them wherever ye find them." Realize that these are the passages that led to the deaths of over 3,000 Americans on that fateful September morning, not long ago.

Yet here we stand, still United, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. But that "for all" has been taken out of context and used against this peaceful nation. Against the very people who believe so profoundly in this countries democracy. The borders are a mess, anchor babies and their families of illegal aliens receiving more help from our government than veterans of the wars that protected these borders and fought for OUR inalienable rights. OUR. Meaning legal citizens of the United States of America. Not Mexicans who tunnel in or sleeper cell terrorists who may run your local Seven Eleven!

Though here we are debating whether or not Imam Feisel Abdul Ruaf should build a Mosque on the sacred and hallowed Earth of Ground Zero. And here we are listening to his passive threats of "very dangerous violence" and warning as to scare us into the constructing of a center that would be home to a religion that preaches to have. . ."garments of fire cut for the unbelievers and there shall be boiling water poured over their heads therefore whatever is in their bowels and skins shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods." Seriously?

What has happened to our country? What has happened to the values that once were the foundation of this land? Do we no longer possess the belief that this nation and its people are exceptional. That we are the greatest. The greatest place to prosper, the greatest chance at success. The greatest land of all the world to lay your head down at night and dream. Whether it be dreams of riches or of a humble home on your own piece of heaven. There was a time when this country was the best place to dream. The best place to hope. There was a time when whole and complete families still ate supper together after saying grace. There was a time when an entire family could sit in the living room and watch a television show. There was a time, about 9 years ago, that parents could envision a better life for their children and grandchildren. A time when children did not have to worry about a mountain of debt created by our generation. A generation that has become fat and spoiled. Unappreciative and bloated. A generation, that if not changed, may go down in history books as the generation that helped destroy America.

The United States at one time lead by example. Instead we now allow ourselves to be influenced by International opinion. We once were the blue print, the model of success for other countries that had lost their way like we have today.

This discussion about the construction of a Mosque at Ground Zero should not be a discussion at all! The notion that this Muslim Center will be built no matter what speaks volumes about our nation's road to destruction. With tolerance being the driver and secular progressive liberals adding the fuel.

As that black bellowing smoke rose up against that blue New York City sky on that tragic morning just 9 short years ago much of America thought to themselves, NEVER AGAIN! Never again will we allow our freedoms, our democracy be used as a weapon against us. The cowardly terrorists may have momentarily brought us to our collective knees , but like many heroes before us, we came together like Americans do and fought with resolve and determination. With pride and patriotism, we rallied a country that had become lazy and complacent. Takings its freedoms for granted and throwing all caution to the wind. This happened because as peace loving Americans we did not understand our enemy and what inspired that violence against us, The Infidel. And the very best way to understand them is to study their belief system and only then can we rise up to destroy our enemy. Remember this a religion that was the catalyst for the beheading of a cartoonist who made light of the Prophet Mohammed in a drawing!

"Fight those who believe not in Allah, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued." These are the words that may be uttered two blocks from where radical Muslims brought down those symbols of strength and freedom if we allow this Mosque to be built. It truly disgusts me. It makes my heart hurt for the families of those victims. The teaching of the Koran caused those bastards to fly those planes into our buildings! The teaching of the Koran preaches violence against all non-believers! The teachings of the Koran tells them to "seek out your enemy relentlessly!" And we are going sit here and not fight for the rights of the fallen? The innocent people who went to work that morning, never to see this life again. Never to love again, never to feel joy again. Never to pick up their children in their arms and squeeze them one last time. They walked into those building and never came out. Why? Because of the hate that the Koran preaches against Jews, Christians and anyone who may not believe in their God! I say NO! And I say now! Rise up and be heard!

President Obama spoke up for this construction of the Mosque, masking his want for it in a cloud of constitutional political speak. Using Freedom of Religion to propel its being built. Yet where is Barack Hussein Obama when the Ten Commandments are taken down from a government building? Where is he when a Nativity Scene is protested in a small community. Where is he when Christian prayer is being taken out of schools! I'll tell you where he is, hiding behind the Separation of Church and state slogan that so defines his belief system. When the Pastor Terry Jones wanted to burn the Koran, Obama did not stand up for that man's constitutional right of Freedom of Religion. That man said that God spoke to him through prayer telling him to burn the Koran. Yet Mr. Osama, I mean Obama called it a stunt and pleaded with the pastor to listen to his "good angels." Which I believe is how the Koran teaches things. Don't get me wrong. I believe that an American citizen, especially a Christian, is above burning another religions book of faith. But it is his right to do so. So if Obama saw it necessary to appease the Muslim Community with his sudden love of Freedom of Religion for the construction of the indignant Mosque, than he should have also supported Terry Jones' rights. What Mr. Jones did may have been a bit extreme, though he did not burn any Koran's. His actions shone a light on the religion of Islam. A light that further exposes the intolerance and violence that religion both preaches and practices. As thousands marched in the streets of Afghanistan and Iraq protesting one small time Pastors threat to burn their Koran by burning American flags, chanting death to Americans and setting a flame to a likeness of the pastor so that "whatever is in his bowels and skins shall be dissolved. . ."

Sure the Muslim religion may be practiced in this country, no one is denying that, as their is already over 2,000 Mosques in existence. But not there. Not that close to a place where many Americans souls were lost. Not where so many children were made orphan that day by a religion practice by radical Islamic Terrorist who decided that they wanted their 72 virgins now!

I read that in Holy times when Muslims conquered a land they would then build a Mosque on that land representing their triumph. Well we have not been defeated. This Imam warned us that if the Mosque is not built at Ground Zero there could be very dangerous violence both overseas and here, on this very soil that has not fully healed from 9/11. Why? Why must it be built at that exact spot. Donald Trump offered to buy that property and pay 25% over the actual value. The Imam's attorney turned it down immediately saying that it was Trump's way of getting publicity. This Imam will not condemn Hamas, the terror group that Jimmy Carter befriended. This Imam said that Obama, I mean Osama Bin Laden was American made and that we brought the violence of 9/11 upon ourselves. We did. By not being a believer in the Koran. According to what you may learn in a Mosque, they, the Muslim, believer in Allah is to" seek out all Infidels, search under rocks and behind trees. And when you find them, remove their heads from their shoulders and their fingertips from their hands!" Those twin towers may not have been trees and we were not hiding behind them. But they found us and did just what the Koran preaches to do to Christians, Jews and all unbelievers!

I am sick and tired of all of the tolerance that Americans are supposed to exercise. Tolerance of abortion, tolerance of homosexuality, tolerance of other religions before our own, tolerance of sex ed being taught in schools, tolerance of reverse racism and tolerance of the government having a hand in every corner of our lives! Well I refuse to tolerate anymore. And you should too! Let us not insight violence, but stand up and be heard.

I heard a little third grade girl say this about the Mosque controversy. "Just because someone has the right to do something, it does not make it right." So simple yet so very true! It is not right to build this Mosque that close to our still open wound. If you cannot see that, then you are as ignorant and indignant as any radical Muslim that holds those violent beliefs.

I will leave you with this last quote from the Koran, "Believers take neither Jews or Christians for your friends." These enemies are real. Though we should not be afraid, we should fear what they might do to us if we don't stand up and stop this madness before it gets out of control. Because in the end, this is still OUR United States of America! OUR land of the free and most importantly the HOME OF THE BRAVE! Be brave America and let us never forget. And for once let us have ZERO TOLERANCE!

Chris Kalna

Friday, August 27, 2010

It is really a sad commentary involving St. Louis Cardinal baseball when you lose two of three games to the perennially pathetic Pittsburgh Pirates and the first contest against the Strasburg-less Washington Nationals in the heat of an agonizingly tight pennant race. But that is what the Redbirds did. After dwindling the Cincinatti Reds' Central Division lead back down to 2 1/2 games the Cardinals underachieved again.
Even though the Nationals and the Pirates have absolutely nothing to play for the rest of the summer besides pride and better draft pick slot in 2011. They handed the confusing club from St. Louis three humiliating losses in a row. Three losses that truly define this maddening season. Three crucial defeats that may signal the beginning of the end for this talent rich squad.
After Friday nights loss to the Washington Nationals in extra innings the St. Louis Post Dispatch's front page Cardinal coverage honored Albert Pujol's 400th moonshot of his fabulous career. Making El Hombre the 3 youngest player to accomplish that milestone in the history of the game behind only sure fire Hall of Famers Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey Jr. It eerily reminded me of the summer of 1998 when Mark McGwire entertained the city by swatting 70 home runs, allowing winning baseball games to take a backseat while the long ball road shotgun. I am in no way comparing Pujol's seemingly performance enhancing free accomplishments to Big Mac and the cloud of steroid abuse that forever will follow him. I am suggesting that, while 400 homers was a feat worth mentioning in the sports section, shouldn't the front page have lead with a more appropriate headline. Maybe a headline mentioning the devastating loss just suffered in extra innings pushing the Birds back in the standing to 4 games out?
I am not intentionally knocking the Post, I have read it and respected it religiously for almost 30 years. It is just a bit disturbing putting an individuals achievements ahead of what was a very crucial loss during a very crucial time. If we were 12 out and the season was a complete loss than it could be justified, but not while the home team is in the middle of its most serious pennant race in over a decade. Not while the Reds are cruising like a disturbing Iranian missile and we are falling faster than the stock market.
What is the reason this baseball team has been riddled with sloppy play and inconsistency? Poor fielding and even poorer base running. Mediocre relief pitching and some of the absolute worst RISP hitting. Steven Hawking would have a better chance at driving in a runner in scoring position than some of the Cardinals. And not because he drives a wheel chair and talks in a cool robotic computer simulated voice either. I know that should not be funny, but neither is this completely frustrating season!
Who is to be held accountable for this developing debacle. The obvious answer is Tony LaRussa. And he rightfully should shoulder a great deal of the blame. For it is also he who basks in the adoration of adoring fans and the throngs of media that label him genius and put him on a pedestal for team accomplishments. Though I am not a rabid supporter of Tony's, he has helped guide St. Louis teams to unprecedented success over these last 14 seasons. Some may argue that the surplus of talent on the field that he has always possessed allowed for his success, but either way he has continued to add to the glorious tradition and rich history of Cardinal baseball. That cannot be argued.
What is currently at issue here is the core talent that this particular squad boasts. St. Louis rosters two of the elite starting pitchers in all of Major League baseball in Cris Carpenter and Adam Wainwright. They also have arguably the best rookie starting pitcher in Jaime Garcia. On the offensive side of the diamond there's Ryan Ludwick, oh no that's right, we traded him for Jake Westbrook, a savior, I mean pitcher who has performed admirably, but is a disappointing 1-4. Matt Holliday is a top 20 hitting outfielder, or at least he is getting paid like one and of course there is Albert Pujols. Hands down the very best that baseball has to offer. Yet with all of this weaponry we cannot compete against the Pirates and Nationals in the thick of a division race?How is this possible? It reminds me of the Oakland Athletic team of 1990 that LaRussa captained. It too was loaded with both pitching depth and a feared power laden roster. Though that team did make the World Series, they somehow were swept by the inferior National League representative Cincinnati Reds 4-0! Same as the 2004 Cardinal team did against the Boston Red Sox. The nation chalked that up to destiny and Curt Schilings Superman act, but realists knew better. LaRussa has a reputation for choking in the big games. It just seems like he has started to do it a bit earlier this season. Pinch hitting pitchers in the clean up spot and changing his line up more than John Kerry changes his mind.
After tonight's 4-2 victory in Washington the Redbirds were still treading water as the Reds were also winners keeping St.Louis at bay. Thankfully there is a wild card possibility too. The Cards are nipping at the heels of the Philadelphia Phillies and the San Fransisco Giants as they limp into September.
As an eternal pessimist I fear that this season may be lost, but it is not over yet. There are plenty of games remaining on a daunting schedule in which the Cardinals will have played 44 games in 45 days dating back to August 20th. The final 31 without an off day. With marquee match ups against the Division leading and suddenly despised Reds on Labor Day weekend at home and another tough four game series against the currently first place Braves in Atlanta. Wow! That will test this troubled team allowing the fans to see what type of character it has. Because what a tragedy it would be if Albert Pujols wins the Triple Crown, but is golfing in October instead of playing in front of standing room only crowds in Busch Stadium.
So before you fold up your tents, pack away your Cardinal hoodies and wait for the NFL season to start, let's watch this exhausting race to the finish with an open mind. And remember at least we aren't playing for a better draft pick spot.

Witnessing Greatness

By: Chris Kalna August 17th, 2010

(Cue Jeopardy music now.) Answer; Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice and Wayne Gretzky. Question; Who are the three most dominating athletes of basketball, football and hockey history? I know you are asking yourself what does this have to do with Cardinal baseball. Well each one of the athletes mentioned above have completely dominated their sport during their era. And almost without consideration or second thought each of these professionals are considered the very best to play their particular sport.

Just hearing there names forces you to envision greatness. During the 1980's and 1990's these three mega stars of their respected sports wooed and wowed us with their grace and athletic superiority like no others had before or since. All three were ultra competitive and shared a drive for perfection that is unfathomable.

Whether it was Wayne Gretzky coasting through defenders like a figure skater and putting the puck into the back of the net. Jerry Rice running a route across the middle while catching the football in stride by his fingertips to score a touchdown or Michael Jordan lifting off from the free throw line, suspended above the court before viciously slamming the ball through the net, we knew that we were witnessing greatness.

I look back on those moments and recall just how much I miss them. How much I would give to see one of those great players suit up for just one more game in their prime. It is natural for people to take things for granted. Those three athletes were so very dominant that it seemed as if they would even be victorious against Mother Nature and play forever. Of course life's clock eventually runs out on everyone and you look up and poof they are gone. No more one time slap shots, no more juggling catches and no more last second buzzer beaters. Left with only memories and the feeling that someone had just died instead of retired a multi-millionaire. We ache for their greatness and pine for the next model of perfection.

St. Louis Cardinal baseball fans need not look any further than on the lush green grasses of Busch Stadium. There they will find #5, Albert Pujols. It is there that they will find true greatness.

Pujols hit his 30th home run of this season on Sunday becoming the ONLY player in the entire history of America's pastime to do so in his first 10 seasons. But that is not what makes Albert great. His greatness is his consistency. In what some experts claim to be the most difficult thing in sport, hitting a baseball, Pujols has made it look remarkably easy. The numbers that he has compiled through his first 10 seasons is nothing short of astounding.

If you were to average out his career stats into a 162 game season they would be as follows. 123 runs scored, 42 homers, 128 RBI's and a .332 batting mark. His very worst season in each category is still monstrous by any era's standards. In 2002, his second season he "only" hit .314 and in 2007 he compiled only 99 runs, 32 homers and 103 RBI's. That's Albert's worst statistical line all years combined. The only thing more amazing than that, is that he is under appreciated. His statistical body of work is unparralled by any one player in modern baseball. Yet if his average hovers around .300 or he goes 60 ab's without a home run, even Cardinal fans scrutinize this national baseball treasure that we have the honor of witnessing.

St. Louis had the opportunity to see defensive greatness for over 15 seasons in shortstop Ozzie Smith. He made fielding an art form. To become that good at his craft, Ozzie practiced for endless hours up until he retired. That is what made him what he was while winning 13 straight Gold Gloves. I can't speak for anyone, but myself, but I took that wizardry for granted. And I sorely miss his defensive greatness and would give anything to watch him dive deep into the hole, spring up and throw one more runner out. Wouldn't you? Well let's not ever feel that way about Albert. Realize what we have and cling to it desperately.

I once heard a quote by the late legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi, this is not verbatim. He gathered his new football team, the Green Bay Packers, that had been swimming in mediocrity for years and told them. "We are are here to win. To do so we will strive for perfection. We will never reach it, but along the way we will attain excellence." That is what we are watching, excellence, each time Pujols slips that Cardinal uniform over his impressive frame. Obviously time will take it's toll on #5 just like all superstars of sport before him, but do not allow yourself to take him for granted. Enjoy this time because the moment will not last and someday Cooperstown will be calling. Then you will beg for just one more at bat, just one more clutch hit, because one day, poof, he'll be gone.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Return to Glory?

Just 12 summers ago San Diego Chargers safety Rodney Harrison changed the fate of an organization, a city and two men's lives forever. Heading into the 1999 NFL season, the St. Louis Rams had a good chance to become the worst franchise of that decade. They had assembled a 45 and 99 record and had been 22-45 since relocating from Los Angeles in 1995. Only the Bengals of Cincinnati rivaled their futility throughout the 90's carrying the baggage of a 48 and 96 win/loss mark. But hope was on the horizon in St. Louis as hometown quarterback Trent Green held the reigns of the suddenly renewed Rams. In 32 pass attempts during the '98 pre-season he had completed an amazing 28 of them. With All Pro wide receiver Isaac Bruce in his prime and newly acquired running back Marshal Faulk ready to bring some notoriety to the organization and end a lifetime of gridiron suffering for many fans of St. Louis football.

And then CRACK, Trent Green's left knee was mangled like a trailer after a springtime tornado tore through its park. The twister being Harrison who had came crashing into the left knee of Green, ending his season, while crushing the hearts and hopes of an entire city. Though then Ram coach Dick Vermeil assured everyone that the team would be just fine, using phrases such as "rally around" and "confidence." his tears told us the true story and his heavy heart spoke volumes.

After finishing the '08 season 4-12 St. Louis and its PSL owners would have been thrilled with a competitive squad in '09 that would possibly finish above .500 for the first time since arriving from So-Cal. Enter Kurt Warner. An unknown ex-grocery store shelf stocker and Arena League chucker. The rest is history as Warner went on to throw for 4,353 yards and 41 TD's leading the Rams to Super Bowl glory and leaving the poor Bengals as the losingest NFL team of the 90's.

Now the next potential savior of St. Louis has slipped his #8 jersey over his impressive frame and has the weight of the world on his broad shoulders. While thousands wait to see if Sam Bradford, 50 million dollars richer is the next Peyton Manning or the next Ryan Leaf. Only time will tell the true story, for adjusting to life in the NFL at the most cerebral and challenging position in all of football has been a struggle for many of the games brightest stars.

Troy Aikman, former Dallas Cowboy Hall of Fame quarterback can attest to the obstacles that a talented young first round draft pick will have to hurdle. Dallas drafted Aikman out of UCLA first overall in the 1989 NFL draft. Zero wins and 11 losses later, a concussed Aikman was left to watch the rest of his season from the sidelines as his new team finished the year 1-15. The Cowboy captain who eventually would lead America's Team to 3 Super Bowls in the decade ahead experienced a very brutal NFL education early in his storied career. To match his dismal starting record of 0-11 Aikman threw for 1,749 yards and just 9 touchdowns while heaving up 18 interceptions. His completion percent of 52.9% was horrible and his Quarterback rating of 55.7 that year was equally dreadful. The next year, 1990 he did not show much of an improvement either as he tossed 11 TD's, another 18 int's while compiling a completion percentage of only 56.6% with his QB rating a lowly 66.6. Although the following season he showed marked advancement he still flung up almost as many ints, 10, as TD's, 11. But his completion percentage rose dramatically to 65.3%. Then, after being surrounded with an awesome offensive line and Hall of Fame offensive weapons, Troy flourished and guided his team to a 13-3 regular season record in 1992 and a 52-17 Super Bowl victory over the Buffalo Bills while also being named the MVP of the game.

Patience is a virtue. Just ask John Elway the first round and first overall pick of the epic 1983 quarterback heavy draft. Drafted out of Stanford by the Baltimore Colts, Elway refused to play for that franchise and ended up in Denver bringing success to a floundering organization. But only after a slow start. His first season with the Broncos he navigated the team to a 4-6 record, compiling stats that could embarrass even JaMarcus Russell. He threw the ball at a 47.5% clip, tossed 14 int's and reached his targets in the endzone only 7 times compiling 1,663 yards in passing. Though several seasons later he would guide the Denver blue and orange to 3 Super Bowl appearances he never could win the big game. Atleast not until he was surrounded by the right talent. Like Kurt Warner and Troy Aikman, Elway flourished once Denver rostered true talent. Terrell Davis, one of only a handful of running backs to ever rush for over 2,000 yards in a season drew plenty of attention allowing #7 to exercise his strong arm while winning back to back titles. Along with Davis, Elway had two spectacular threats at pass catching positions. Shannon Sharpe, arguably one of the greatest tight ends ever and Rod Smith an All Pro receiver provided excellent targets for the aging Elway. Retiring after his 2nd Super Bowl party in '98, Elway entered the Hall in Canton five years later.

Maybe the worst freshman campaign of any Hall of Fame quarterback belongs to Pittsburgh Steeler great, Terry Bradshaw, another first overall selection of the 1970 draft. During that season Bradshaw hit only 38.1% of his intended targets and apparently the other 61.9% of those wounded ducks landed in the oppositions mits because he heaved up 24 interceptions to go with just 1,410 yards passing. The eventual 4 time Super Bowl Trophy hoister did not become a champion overnight. As soon as the Steelers began enveloping Bradshaw in talent, the Pittsburgh franchise became the dynasty of the 1970's. Lynn Swann, John Stalworth, Franco Harris and Rocky Blier on offense helped usher Terry Bradshaw along and develop him into a championship caliber quarterback.

On the other side of the coin you have a few QB's who have defied logic and had productive Rookie season's. Dan Marino, who also came out of the '83 draft and piloted the Dolphins to many winning seasons did not start his football career slowly. He hit the ground running and had a 7-2 record in 9 games started, passing for an impressive 20 td's and only 6 int's. Marino's qb rating for his first 11 contests was a remarkable 96 and his completion percentage was 58.4% Though he only went to one Super Bowl, losing handily to the San Fransisco 49ers, Dan Marino is still considered in some circles as the best qb to ever fling the pigskin around a stadium. The '84 schedule, Marino's first full season, seemed to be a breeze for the qb and his Dolphins, as they went 14-2. He completed 64.2% of his passes and tallied 5,084 yards through the air! His qb rating was 108.9 because he tossed 48 touchdowns, a record then, to only 17 ints. But the athletes that made up that exciting young team of '84 were as equally responsible for such success. Marino's number one wide receiver, Mark Clayton received 73 of his qb's passes that season equalling 1,389 yards while hauling in 18 td's! On the opposite side of the field the other wideout, Mark Duper exploited defenses league wide with 1,306 yards and added 8 TD's in addition.

Very comparable to Marino's fast maturation process, Peyton Manning, 1998, first overall draft pick out of Tennessee excelled early and often in his career shedding an early light on his long term future. Although Manning's Colts went only 3-13 during Peyton's rookie debut season, he still managed to throw for 3,739 yards and 26 TD's, but flung 28 ints too. In 1999, his second season in the NFL, Peyton made giant leaps forward. Manning passed for 4,135 yards, 26 scores to 15 int's, while witnessing his QB rating soar up to 90.2 from 71.2. Again though, Manning's success can easily be traced to the talent that he played along side. His Colts had a ridiculously fast wide receiver in Marvin Harrison racking up 1,663 yards and 12 td's. To coincide with that unreal passing attack, the Colts had another weapon in running back Edgerrin James who totaled 1,553 yards rushing, scoring 12 different times.

Are you sensing a pattern yet? An NFL team can have a good quarterback, but without surrounding talent, they will be mediocre at best. So investing a possible 80 million dollars in to Bradford's shoulder, the Rams must exercise patience with this young man and realize that success may not come in 2010. So too should the fans. Let him learn on the fly, by trial and error and maybe soon this franchise will see the light again.

So when you experience frustration during the upcoming Sunday's just remember what happened to the Bradshaw's and Aikman's of early draft pick fame. But also recall that these qb legends have plaques in Canton, Ohio to make up for their early career struggles.

So in summation, let's remember that the NFL draft is a crap shoot, and resembles more a box of chocolates, than an exact science. And like Forrest Gump once said, "You never know what you're gonna get." So please remember to exercise patience while waiting eagerly for this franchise to finally turn the corner and umbrella Bradford with the talent that he deserves to play with for years to come. And maybe St. Louis will witness a return to glory.
Chris Kalna
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Traitor Talk

The San Diego Padres are the new beneficiaries of one of baseball's hidden gems. In a trade that seems less popular than Sarah Palin at a PETA fund raising event. The St. Louis Cardinal traded one of their more consistent offensive players, Ryan Ludwick, for a pitcher who is about as exciting as drawing up your own will.

In what was a three team trade between the Padres, Cardinals and the Cleveland Indians, St. Louis is now the tepid owner of 32 year old right handed hurler Jake Westbrook. A 10 year veteran and a career sub .500 sinker ball pitcher. Get out the champagne, so that I can drink enough to forget this trade!

Westbrook, the former Cleveland Indian has been the definition of mediocrity most every year that he has pitched in the big leagues. He is 69-71 lifetime with a 4.34 E.R.A. He is not a strikeout pitcher to put it mildly. Although he does devour innings, the most K's he has ever totaled in one season was 116 after eating up 215.2 innings in 2004, his best year in the majors. That season he had a 3.83 earned run average and a respectable 14-9 record. This year he is 6-7 with a 4.65 E.R.A. in 127.2 innings pitched while fanning just 73 batters. Unspectacular to say the least. Wait, it gets better. Cy Westbrook, I mean Jake is just two seasons removed from having Tommy John surgery causing him to miss the entire 2009 campaign.

Having to part with Ryan Ludwick to acquire Mr. Mediocrity is very disappointing. Ludwick's bat has generated some clutch hits during the last 3 1/2 seasons and his approach to the game was that of dedication and professionalism. Watching #47 play you just knew that he was always giving 100% both at the plate and in the field.

After scoring just 1 run in 18 innings before Saturday's mauling of pathetic Pittsburgh and being shut out 4-0 by a struggling New York Met team for the 10th time this season, was giving up our 3rd best offensive player the right move? The former All Star's career averages are not average at all. If you took his lifetime stats and averaged them out into a 162 game season his totals would be as follows. 80 runs scored, 27 home runs, 96 RBI's and a .272 average. Comparable if not surpassing some of baseball's better rightfielders. Philadelphia Phillies Jayson Werth, one of the brightest new stars in the National League averages 87 runs annually, 24 hr's, 85 RBI's and a .269 batting mark. Another All Star in Los Angeles, Dodger rightfielder Matt Kemp tallies 93 runs, 22 homers, 85 RBI's and a .292 clip. And the Indian's talented Shin Sin-Choo who patrols right field in Cleveland has similar stats for his career averages. Batting .295 while crossing the plate 94 times a season, with 20 round trippers and 91 ribbies. Ludwick averages more RBI's and home runs then all three of these elite All Star outfielders and would probably have even more inflated numbers if Cardinal manager Tony LaRussa would have played him more consistently. In Ludwicks only full season in which he had 617 plate appearances he hit .299, scored 104 times clubbed 40 doubles, 37 dingers and drove in 113 runs. That is what we just traded away to get Jake Westbrook?

During the 2008 and 2009 seasons combined Matt Holliday, the Cardinals overpaid leftfielder has 201 runs scored, 49 home runs and 197 runs batted in. Ludwick during that same time scored 167 runs, hit 59 round trippers and drove in an impressive 210 runs. Again you must factor in the idea that if LaRussa would have started Ludwick more consistently during his overlooked and under appreciated time here in town those stats would have been even greater.

I just don't understand the logic behind a move like this. The excuse of "well we had to get something for Ludwick before the organization would be unable to sign him after this season and we would get nothing for him."To me that does not justify this lopsided swap. In this intance I believe that nothing was a better option than this something! Westbrook is another average junk ball starting pitcher that may eat up a few extra innings at best. Definitely not the difference maker that the Cardinals were wanting to acquire this summer. We gave up too much offense for a back of the rotation starter. Hoping that Yoda Duncan might be able to pull out one more miracle from his reclamation project hat.

I feel that not only was Ryan Ludwick cheated by not being able to continue to play for this great city, but I believe that the fans are hurt even more so. There has been rumors that LaRussa and Ludwick did not always see eye to eye. Big surprise there, huh? Not to the degree of the Scott Rolen incident in 2006, but there was a supposed underlying tension between these two men. Stemming from Ludwick's inconsistent playing time, the player suggested in 2009 that he deserved more of an opportunity, and in the United States of LaRussa that is a giant mistake. Unless you are a homeless Calico cat or an orphaned Dalmation you are not immune to Tony's wrath. Hell hath no fury like a Tony scorned. Ask Ozzie Smith, Jim Edmonds, Kerry Robinson and Scott Rolen.

Hopefully this deal was not the product of pride or I would have to liken LaRussa to Benedict Arnold. The infamous Revolutionary war General. Because there is a good chance that we may have to face the San Diego Padres in October. If Old Abner has anything to say about Cardinal fate, I am certain that the competitive Ludwick would relish the opportunity to pay back his ex-manager, who in my opinion was the catalyst for this deal getting finished. And if that happens, LaRussa like the traitor Benedict Arnold, should consider putting on another uniform.

Chris Kalna--August 1, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Queer Eye for No Guy

The dictionary's first definition of the word gay is; lighthearted and carefree, characterized by cheerfulness or pleasure. The secondary description of that word is homosexual. Intended for or used by homosexuals. Am I crazy or shouldn't that be changed? In the world that we are currently residing in should not Webster's define the term gay as homosexual first then lighthearted and carefree? Because that is what we are constantly inundated with on network television and in theaters.

Long ago network television would not even allow a man and woman to be shown beneath the covers together in bed. Today you see both men and women not only in bed, but even kissing. In today's society everything is excepted. It is 'a whatever feels good' now mentality and NO ONE is held accountable for ANYTHING!
In the last 60 years our society has taken many giant leaps forward. From racial equality to major technology. Yet our morals have quietly disappeared. This country was built upon a foundation of family values and Christianity. Now neither of these core institutions are anywhere near the top of today's American agenda.

Just 12 years ago I did not have a cell phone. Now, I am not exaggerating when I say that I do not believe I could live with out one. What a truly sad commentary this is. An average middle income family is considered lower class if they do not have a babysitting DVD player in their high tech mini-vans! It is disgusting! iPads and iPhones are as important to us today as eyeballs!

My grandparents spent their golden years living in a trailer inside the confines of a trailer park. Even though my grandfather was a lifelong carpenter he felt that it made sense financially to rent during his last few innings of life, saving his money for necessities. In today's superficial, I am better than you world, it is frowned upon to disgrace one self if your home does not sit two stories high and does not bankrupt you. What is even funnier are the people who do live in the lower class trailer parks. The ones that have a satellite on top of their rectangular kingdom, while a $40k SUV sits parked outside of the pad right next to the ski boat that these freakin' hoosiers take to the river every weekend. This is America, where freedom does and should come first, but at what cost?

Most things socially have gone to Hell in a handbasket today. It may have started as early as Woodstock, but I believe it began more recently with a 1994 episode of Rosanne. It shocked network television and nothing has been the same since!
Rosanne's friend Nancy, an open lesbian, had a girlfriend, played by actress Mariel Hemingway, who kissed the rotund funny woman during prime time television! Since then it seems as if most everything is socially accepted. Now there are show's named "Queer as Folk" and "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!" Will and Grace, Rosie O'Donnel, Ellen Degeneres and even the Simpsons have resorted to pushing the GAY agenda upon Anytown U.S.A. Even though only ultra liberal cities can really relate to and appreciate all of the same sex propaganda on television today.
There was a time long ago when divorce was unacceptable, much less gay divorce. Now not only is divorce ok, but multiple divorce is common practice. It used to be shameful to fail in marriage. Now it is sometimes actually celebrated with divorce parties!
This is not what George Washington and our founding father's had in mind! Do you think that when Patrick Henry coined that infanmous phrase "Give me Liberty or give me death" that he really meant give me liberty or give me gay marriage? Do you think he meant give me liberty or give me free shit? I can't smoke a cigarette in a bar, but two guys can copulate in wedded bliss anywhere from Iowa to Massachuaetts? Good thing Ray Charles was blind when he sang "America the Beautiful" because he sure wouldn't want to see two guys having a tongue war, while true Americans fight a real war just so they can wed!
Long ago it was unheard of to have a kid out of wedlock. Today fetuses can be ripped from the woom just weeks away from birth! The President of our United States believes in just that. He once said that he would one day teach his daughters right from wrong when it came to the birds and the bees, but if they made a "mistake" they did not have to suffer with it! A mistake? Suffer? If only his mother would have thought him to be a mistake! Maybe our country would be on a better path.

That the United States still stands today is a minor miracle. Everything is geared towards eliminating God from most everything. Our pledge of Allegiance has been under attack for years and if you do not believe in separation of church and state, than YOU are the radical!

We as a nation have lost touch with what once made this country the blueprint for the rest of the globe. I can not speak for the majority, only my insignificant self, but when I was a young boy I thought that the Dad was supposed to work, Mom took care of the kids and the word crap was a mortal sin.
Presently teenage girls are blowing more boys than bubble yum bubbles and having more babies than a middle eastern bomber has virgins. Adolescents today know more about sex than I do at age 35!. Why shouldn't they? With double income families being both the norm and the only way to survive because of the luxuries that we deem necessary, parents do not raise children anymore. Daycare's and nannies do! Complete strangers influence our children's future everyday! They mold our youth! The unfiltered education one's untudored and untrained child receives from the Internet and multi-media sources will one day bring our spoiled culture to its deserving knees and soon.
We live in a world where the victim is no longer the victim and the criminal is the protected one. We have people suing restaurants because the coffee was too hot and they win millions, yet if a woman is raped it is her responsibility to prove that she did not deserve it! Hell, you have to do a broad search just to see if a child molester is your neighbor! Yet the ACLU still believes that we should separate church from state? The only argument for that is because we have Priests as pedophiles and alter boys forever altered!

Just the other day I read an article where 7 or 8 homosexual Lutheran Ministers in the disgusting city of San Fransisco were allowed to be pastors! WHAT? Seriously? How is that possible? I have absolutely no problem with two people in the privacy of their home being GAY! Two women making love, two men, yuck, Hell I don't give a damn if you want to screw a beagle and a chicken at the same time. Just don't push your agenda down my throat. NO PUN INTENDED. But having thy audacity to cloak thy religion under the cloud of cum that they stand by while they preach to millions makes me sick and the Lord our Shepherd is going to make us pay! Us? Yes us! Because we do nothing to end the madness. To change the plight of this once proud nation UNDER GOD!

This country has lost its way. The current administration is not to blame, but they are doing everything that they can to further that secular progressive CHANGE that is the liberal movement!

To me it is compelling to watch the steady decline of our society. Eroding slowly before our eyes and iPhones. In the last decade popular television shows such as Seinfeld, Friends, The Office, Entourage and even the macho Sopranos all felt it necessary to cram their queer itineraries upon the American public. So the next time you go to purchase that lap top, dvd or big screen plasma, realize that on them you will be watching the straw that BROKEBACK America's purple MOUNTAIN's majesty above the FRUITED plain!

You want change? Well then change your damned address. Get the Hell out of my country! The only great country still standing, before you bring us all down with you!

Chris Kalna (R)

Monday, July 26, 2010

T.O. Idea KO'd

By Chris Kalna - -July 26th, 2010

Terrell Owens has been an enigma. His career numbers are worthy of Hall of Fame consideration. His career antics are worthy of raised eyebrows. Guilty of being as talented and physically gifted as any wide receiver of his era, yet at the same time being as frustrating and disrupting as any wideout of his generation. A generation that has embraced the "give me the damn ball" persona that fellow wide reciever Keyshawn Johnson created while playing for the New York Jets early in his career.

The position of wide receiver in the National Football League is a demanding one. Requiring its best athletes to possess an air of supreme confidence on the field and apparently off of it as well. Lately the behavior of many of the NFL's premier wide receivers of today has been self serving, irresponsible and narcissistic. Brandon Marshal, Randy Moss, Chad Ochocinco, Carolina's Steve Smith, Vincent Jackson, Santonio Holmes, Mike Sims-Walker, Michael Crabtree, Plaxico Burress, Donte Stallworth, Matt Jones, the late Chris Henry, Anquan Boldin, and T.O. all have made some serious headlines over the last several years. Disturbing actions ranging from shooting themselves accidentally, to vehicular manslaughter. Changing their last name, to admittedly not playing hard on every down. This is the baggage that comes with today's primma donna wide receiver.

It should not come as a complete surprise though. Peter Gent an ex-Dallas Cowboy wide receiver known more for his famous book "North Dallas Forty" than catching passes was a pioneer in trouble making. The book which was successfully adapted into a popular motion picture during the 70's shocked the NFL and its fan base. His dirty fiction tell all was basically a biography on America's Team, the Cowboys of the late 1960's and early 1970's exposing the outlandish actions of the world's most popular franchise.

Another ex-Cowboy wide out Butch Johnson was one of the first inventor's of the post touchdown celebration. After scoring he would emulate an old gunfighter by pulling out both fingers and blowing on them as if they were smoking six shooters. Andre Rison of Atlanta Falcon fame had plenty of trouble. Not only getting into one of the ugliest on field dust ups with cornerback Deion Sanders but also having his house burnt down by his wife,"Left Eye," a singer from a once popular female hip-hop group. So today's wide receivers are just following in the footsteps of their NFL ancestry. Along with over the top media coverage just adding fuel to an already raging inferno of inflated ego's, this behavior only seems to be multiplied and magnified to fit perfectly onto our flat screens and lap tops.

The athlete of today has an appetite for attention. They crave it, they need it and some would almost die without it. We as fans feed there self absorbed and self obsessed cries for love with applause and vindicate their insecurities just because they can run the 40 in 4.3 and jump higher off of the ground than most of us can off of a trampoline.

Having stated all of this I still think the Rams should have signed Terrel Owens. He has accumulated 14, 951 receiving yards while hauling in 144 touchdowns, 61 of those for 40 or more yards! He is a physical freak of nature, with the build of 20 something still much in his prime. He may have lost a step, but his swagger and big play ability still surpasses anything the Rams will roster this autumn.

His age should not be a factor as other older wideouts have proven in the past. Rod Smith of the Denver Broncos and an alum of Missouri Southern State caught 6 touchdowns and totaled 1,105 yards as a 36 year old. Jerry Rice tallied 1,157 yards and 9 TD's at the same age and All Pro Derrick Mason racked up 1,037 receiving yards at age 34 being targeted by a rookie quarterback named Joe Flacco of the Baltimore Ravens. To compare Donnie Avery last season led the Rams charge with 589 yards receiving and hit pay dirt just 5 times.

Media question T.O.'s drive and determination. They question his motives for still wanting to suit up in an NFL jersey at age 36. Well I will tell you why he still wants to play the brutal game that is American football. It is because he has a competitive desire to still win a championship. That is the one thing that his re'sume' lacks. A Super Bowl ring. He has been to one with Philadelphia, playing that game with an injury that was not fully healed while Donovan McNabb ran out of gas while losing to Tom Brady and New England. His 49er teams never made it and Tony Romo's Cowboy's have always seemed to be next years champs.

Now after a non eventful season playing in Buffalo, where the Bills had fired their offensive coordinator just weeks before the seasons kickoff resulting in a horrible offense. Terrell Owens, aging superstar, needs a home. A home that may not offer him a chance at a ring, but a chance at something maybe even more fulfilling. A chance to instill a winning attitude with a little swagger. A home where he can mold our young receivers into well rounded versatile wideouts. Sure he's 36 and his once crisp routes may take a little longer to develop, but with age comes wisdom.

To me it is about putting the most talented team on the field come September. NFL teams are not supposed to play for draft picks. No matter what his past consists of we should not turn a blind eye toward the numbers that he has put up. Those career statistics are not an accident. They were a direct result of natural talent, hard work and a determination that most pedestrians cannot fathom.

So as St. Louis fans anticipate the start of another disappointing gridiron season, they can look forward to their Rams trotting out on to the field pass catching stalwarts such as Donnie Avery, Danny Amendola and Keenan Burton instead of a potential Hall of Fame superstar. A superstar that may have required enough attention from defenses to allow Steven Jackson some breathing room to run and a big enough target for a rookie quarterback to find downfield before being driven to the turf exposing that vulnerable million dollar shoulder.

Now please excuse me a moment while I put the popcorn away.

Chris Kalna -- July 26th, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gooseggs and Goochers

By; Chris Kalna July 25, 2010

In the late 1980's a movie came out in theaters called "Stand By Me." It was a coming of age movie involving four teenage boys who take a journey across their rural county to look for a dead boy who was missing that had been hit by a train. It was set in the 1950's when times were still simple and listening to the radio was a genuine treat with mailbox baseball being the recreation of choice for any misguided teen with a driver's license. Money was scarce and having little the four boys pooled all of their change together while in route to Ray Brower's dead body to purchase some snacks at a five and dime. To reach the store however you had to trespass through an old junk yard which was guarded by an infamously fierce dog named Chopper. No one wanted to have to hear the dreaded phrase, "CHOPPER, SICK BALLS!" So to decide who had to get the food they chose to flip coins and whoever was the odd man out would have to try and avoid the vicious canine. After flipping the coins all four pieces of currency landed tails up meaning that it was a GOOCHER! To Vern, the husky one that could only mean one thing, doom. Sure it was a silly superstition, but most baseball players have them. Whether it is something as minute as not stepping on the foul line while heading back to the dugout or as extreme as sacrificing a live chicken to regain one's hitting stroke, like in the movie "Bull Durham," most baseball players exercise some form of superstition.

Apparently the Cardinals have had a few Goocher's this season. What else can explain their bouts of offensive anemia. Just after the All Star game, 98 games into the 2010 campaign the Cardinals have been shut out 9 times already. With 64 games remaining they are on pace to lay 16 gooseggs. Compare that with last years Central Division Champions who were the victim's of only 10 shut outs all season long. Referencing this statistic from a historical perspective does not bode well for this team's aspirations of reaching their 18th World Series appearance.

Going back to the Redbirds championship team of 1982, no Cardinal fall classic participant had been shut out more than 8 times in an entire season. The '82 team was blanked 6 times, the exciting track team of '85, 7 and the 1987 club was skunked on just 4 occasions. During this decade the 2004 National League Champs put up just 4 zeroes in 162 contests, the 105 win underachieving club of '05 had 6 and the overachieving 2006 World Series winners had only been shut out 8 times during their unlikely run in to October.

So how can a team with Albert Pujols, Matt Holliday, Ryan Ludwick and Colby Rasmus put up this many ovals? And why is it our first priority before the much anticipated trade deadline to acquire an arm before another productive bat?

If our potentially potent offense could contribute as well as our sharp pitching has thus far this team would be many games up instead of running neck and neck with the scrappy Cincinnati Reds for the Division lead. The power laden line up of St. Louis has scored 2 runs or fewer in 31 games. They have tallied 1 run in 12 different games, 2 runs in ten and like I mentioned before, they have been goosegged 9 times. During the 31 games in which the Birds have crossed the plate 2 or fewer times our pitchers have given the offense plenty to work with allowing 3 or fewer runs in 15 of those contests. Our overall record is 3-28 when we score 2 runs or less. Which would be acceptable if our pitching was as porous as the Cardinals lack of timely hitting. The Cards pitching has kept us afloat this season. 22 times this year has our muscle bound offense scored one run or less and yet our moundsman have kept up their end of the bargain by allowing only two or fewer runs to score in 11 of those games, yet they have only one win and 21 defeats to show for it. That is too many high quality starts gone wasted.

Imagine if this team could have capitalized on just over 50% of those 15 pitching gems and won 8 of those very winnable games. We would be 26 games over .500, 3 1/2 games out in front of the Reds and be tied for the best winning percentage in baseball with the New York Yankees.

That is why we need more offense before mortgaging our future away on a soon to be 33 year old pitcher in Roy Oswalt. A win now attitude is great, but if it means giving up too much for the future of this franchise is it worth it? Not in my humble opinion. The obvious concern to me is taking on Oswalt's contract might paint the Cardinals into a financial corner when Albert's contract talks begin again. Sometimes no move is the best move. I truly believe that this Cardinal team has had some bad breaks and the offense will become more consistent and productive as the dog days of August approach.

Sure it sounds like an unstoppable rotation throwing Cris Carpenter, Adam Wainwright and Roy Oswalt at the competition the rest of the way, but no amount of pitching will help us out of a short post season series against high quality starting pitching if our offensive struggles continue. Plus Rookie of the Year candidate Jaime Garcia's 9-4 record with a 2.21 e.r.a. is nothing to sneeze at. He is the only R.O.Y. we need.

So before this organization rushes to judgement and jeopardises the franchises future by trading for Dan Haren, whom we let go of in the first place or an over the hill Oswalt whose best years are behind him. Just remember those Whitey Herzog teams of the 8o's and even our recent championship squad of '06 when we overachieved and did more with less.

This team is stacked with talent. So let them play. I read recently in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch where Whitey was quoted as saying he would let his players play for 6 innings and if they were behind after that the game was his to win or lose. Well I believe Mr. LaRussa should do just that and take a page from the soon to be inducted Hall of Famer. Stick with a certain line up and just let' em play! No more benching Colby Rasmus for Randy Winn, benching Ryan Ludwick for no reason, and flipping middle infielders like they were those coins in the movie "Stand By Me." Maybe Tony has flipped his line up around one too many times and those Goochers are finally catching up with him! Now offense HIT BALLS!

Congratulations Mr. Herzog, on your induction into the hallowed Hall of Fame. You deserved this honor long ago, but better late than never. Thank you so very much for all of the memories.

Chris Kalna July 25, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reversal of Racism in America Today

Several years ago, controversial radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was one of the pre-game anchors of the NFL. He, being an established celebrity personality and a very passionate football fan seemed to be the perfect fit to deliver opinions about the sport. Everything was running smoothly until one day when he expressed his personal thoughts regarding then Philadelphia Quarterback, Donovan McNaab of the Eagles. At the time McNaab had been struggling and the round table discussion centered on whether it was the QB's fault. Limbaugh responding to another anchor's opinion of the quarterback said that he never thought McNaab had ever been that good and that it was social angst propelled by both the media and the NFL to make him better than he actually was. Limbaugh suggested that the NFL and the media wanted to paint McNaab as the black hope of football. (no African American starting QB has ever won a Super Bowl, Doug Williams did for the Redskins but he was the back up and started by default) I compare that to boxing and the "Great White Hope" theory. For years boxing has not had a white heavyweight that dominated the sport since Rocky Marciano some 50 years ago. Anytime a white contender showed signs of greatness he was tagged the "great white hope." I cannot speak for Mr. Limbaugh but I believe this to be an accurate analogy. Though Rush was hired to give his opinion, he was fired for doing just that! He is still affected today by those harmless comments being recently turned down for an ownership bid of an NFL team in St. Louis. Many current and former black players spoke out against him, calling him a racist and promising never to play for such a man.

Ironically in the decade of the 80's the same thing happened to another pre-game football analyst, Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder. He was a sports odds maker who also was respected for his opinion. When being asked about race in sports he said that the black athlete was better. Because "they" were bred to be bigger. He went on to say that slave owners used to breed the biggest black slave with the biggest black women so that they would have a strong big black child. Though he went much farther on the subject of race in his comments and he happened to spew these word forth on Martin Luther King Day, he too was fired. He lost his job because he said some things in bad taste. There is absolutely no justifiable explanation for firing him though.

Another radio personality got himself in hot water for a statement about a Rutgers University women's basketball team. Don Imus, the long time New York star of his own syndicated radio show referred to the young ladies on the team as "rough lookin' girls," and nappy headed ho's. Although I do not think it sounds right for any white person to try and use Ebonics or the black vernacular that has been made popular in rap lyrics for 30 years. It is not justifiable to ruin a man's career because of a few hurtful words.

What has all of the young men and women over the years been fighting for overseas? FREEDOM! One of those freedoms concerns our ability to speak our minds. To voice our opinions, wrong or right, right or left. Freedom of speech no longer exists in this country, not as the Constitution was written at least. All men are created equal and want to be treated that way, but to accomplish that there cannot be double standards.

African Americans today have more freedom than any other time in this proud countries existence. In some situations a black person has more freedom to speak his thoughts openly than a white person. The consequences for giving your opinion today is not equal for the two races. "The only ni**ers on this planet are the white man and woman." A former college professor said these words while speaking about Katrina on the C-SPAN channel! His name is Kamau Kambon, an Author of racially divisive books and a anti-government loon. Kamau, 30 years ago "dropped out of the system." He and his wife, the President of College Psychologists were "at war." They stopped eating meat and dairy products because the white man wanted them dead! Slowly the white man wanted all blacks dead. They built a log cabin after moving from New York to North Carolina so that they would not have to "pay the white man" money. Because according to Mr. Kambon, the white man makes money from the black man's death. He went on to say that the only way to beat the white race was to exterminate them all! Now remember he was a college professor! How is that possible? Why is he allowed the freedom and ability to speak his mind without consequence? He said to "EXTERMINATE THEM ALL!" Not "nappy headed ho's." Yet one lost his job, the other was applauded on national television.

Our President has ties with two people guilty of reverse racism. Obama's Pastor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his friend Father Michael Pfleger have consistently poured fuel on the subject of race in religion. Wright referred to America as the U.S. of KKK and said that black Republicans were sell outs and were "below sea level." He also God damned America and said that we deserved the destruction of 9/11 and while saying "our chickens had come home to roost." The Catholic Pfleger while speaking at the Chicago Trinity church, said that Senator Hillary Clinton had felt that she was entitled to the Presidency because she was born white! He said that unless the white people today were willing to give up there benefits, 401k's and trust funds then they were as guilty as slave owners.

Black civil right leaders have been guilty of the same sort of rhetoric also. Al Sharpton insisted on Don Imus being fired yet recently referred to Jews as interlopers. Jesse Jackson, the leader of the Rainbow Coalition called Jews Hymie's and said that they live in Hymie town! Just last week when LeBron James the most celebrated basketball star of this generation left Cleveland for greener hardwood pastures in Miami, the Cleveland owner sent out a public letter bashing LeBron. No where in that letter was race the subject, but Jesse Jackson said that he sounded like he had a slave owners mindset. What? That should not only offend white people but any black person with slave ancestry should be sickened and call for his job! Because LeBron James is making more money than I would see if I'd live a thousand years. Oh the oppression. Not to mention his nickname is King James.

Another disturbing case has just been dropped by African American Attorney General Eric Holder. King Shamir Shabazz, the leader of the New Blank Panther Party of Philadelphia, along with another Black Panther was being charged with intimidating voters at a polling place in 2008 during the November election. He was waving and threatening incoming voters telling them that they were wasting their time and verbally abusing several white people. He also was caught on tape at some small rally screaming, this is not verbatim, "I hate white people! I hate every white cracker whore there is. If you want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers and kill some of their babies!" The sentencing was about to take place when out of nowhere Holder made the Justice Department drop the case! Why? Do you think maybe the NAACP, The Urban League or the ACLU might have had a hand in influencing their brother? Why is King Shabazz so angry? What makes any man that angry? He has every right to give his opinion, but when another man tries to insight murder, then he has to be stopped. There is an African American Attorney General and AN AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT! Does he really think he is helping his races cause by being a loud mouth, hate mongering bully? NO! He is just hurting his own cause.

It truly disgusts me. There is absolutely no place for that type of language anywhere in this great country. Through sacrifice and hard work, blood sweat and tears this country was built from scratch and has been the bastion of hope for many people all over this world. Color should not matter one bit. Not then and not now. The longer any race holds onto that kind of hate and bigotry the longer it will take this country to become color blind. The laws should apply to all people. If two KKK members would stand outside a polling place in Harlem in their cowardly garb, do you think that they would be allowed to do that? If black people themselves would not stop them by force you damn well know that law enforcement would!

So until all people of this nation are held equally accountable for both their words and their actions nothing can be changed or accomplished. Realizing our dreams will be but a dream. There always will be that tension between the races until this sort of double standard ends and people judge others not by the color of their skin, but by their character.

Our time here is so very short and as we float down life's winding river why muddy the waters with unwarranted hate and dislike for another human being just because of their skin color? Embrace our differences and eliminate the stereotypes we may have absorbed over the years. Try and think like a child. Innocent and not riddled with preconceived ideas about others. Do we not share the same wants? Good health, success defined individually, a family and a fair chance at being able to provide a comfortable life for the one's we love. That is all I need. That is all I want. And there is no better place in all the world than right here to accomplish those desires. Where anything is possible with hard work, determination and hope. But you can keep the change if King Shabazz represents it.

Chris Kalna (R) and One Proud American

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

B Word

Recently I watched CNN, formerly known as the Clinton News Network. They were interviewing Kathy Griffin. Griffin, a quasi-celebrity that has appeared on Seinfeld, Law and Order SVU and has had her own show proudly entitled The D-List. Making fun of herself for being lower on the celebrity totem poll then A-Lister's.

She has always been known for her brand of edgy comedy. This day though on the once respected news source she crossed a line by referring to Massachusetts Senator (R) Scott Brown's daughter's as prostitutes!

How is that even remotely funny? It is hack and gutter comedy at its worst. Knowing her shtick and style it was not a surprise. The reaction to that comment was though. The CNN female anchor that was co-interviewing Ms. Griffin laughed spontaneously at the classless insult hurled towards the innocent children of the Republican politician.

It is so very obvious if anything remotely close to this was said about any Democrats daughters, whether it be by Glenn Beck or Andrew Dice Clay their careers would be in jeopardy. The scrutiny that the liberal media would scorch down upon them would be relentless and heads would roll!

Griffin even had a few apologists on the ever so obnoxious morning show The View. Joy "I look like a cross between Alf and an Anteater" Bayhar said it was "just a joke." And the obese top heavy one said that the attack was more acceptable because his daughter's were adults. WHAT?
Poor Elizabeth did her best to demonize the detestable comments, but as usual on that lopsided show to no avail.

Imagine if Jeff Foxworthy or Nick Da Palo said that the Presidents daughters were prostitutes! NO ONE on the left would be laughing. Even I, being one to throw verbal hay makers would not condone that. Families should be off limits. A no talent, disgusting creature such as Kathy Griffin hitches her wagon to the stars of anyone she can gain publicity from. And it works. Sad as it is, I am talking about it. Plus when you have a face as pretty as the foam on a stagnant puddle of piss and you look like you were spawned from radioactive Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls you have to take desperate actions to remain relevant.

So in summation, any publicity is good publicity for D Lister's. See Andy Dick. But at what point will the main stream media drop the double standards and regain some journalistic integrity?

As for Kathy, this new controversy has raised her to the B-List level. The B standing for BITCH!

Chris Kalna July 20, 2010