The dictionary's first definition of the word gay is; lighthearted and carefree, characterized by cheerfulness or pleasure. The secondary description of that word is homosexual. Intended for or used by homosexuals. Am I crazy or shouldn't that be changed? In the world that we are currently residing in should not Webster's define the term gay as homosexual first then lighthearted and carefree? Because that is what we are constantly inundated with on network television and in theaters.
Long ago network television would not even allow a man and woman to be shown beneath the covers together in bed. Today you see both men and women not only in bed, but even kissing. In today's society everything is excepted. It is 'a whatever feels good' now mentality and NO ONE is held accountable for ANYTHING!
In the last 60 years our society has taken many giant leaps forward. From racial equality to major technology. Yet our morals have quietly disappeared. This country was built upon a foundation of family values and Christianity. Now neither of these core institutions are anywhere near the top of today's American agenda.
Just 12 years ago I did not have a cell phone. Now, I am not exaggerating when I say that I do not believe I could live with out one. What a truly sad commentary this is. An average middle income family is considered lower class if they do not have a babysitting DVD player in their high tech mini-vans! It is disgusting! iPads and iPhones are as important to us today as eyeballs!
My grandparents spent their golden years living in a trailer inside the confines of a trailer park. Even though my grandfather was a lifelong carpenter he felt that it made sense financially to rent during his last few innings of life, saving his money for necessities. In today's superficial, I am better than you world, it is frowned upon to disgrace one self if your home does not sit two stories high and does not bankrupt you. What is even funnier are the people who do live in the lower class trailer parks. The ones that have a satellite on top of their rectangular kingdom, while a $40k SUV sits parked outside of the pad right next to the ski boat that these freakin' hoosiers take to the river every weekend. This is America, where freedom does and should come first, but at what cost?
Most things socially have gone to Hell in a handbasket today. It may have started as early as Woodstock, but I believe it began more recently with a 1994 episode of Rosanne. It shocked network television and nothing has been the same since!
Rosanne's friend Nancy, an open lesbian, had a girlfriend, played by actress Mariel Hemingway, who kissed the rotund funny woman during prime time television! Since then it seems as if most everything is socially accepted. Now there are show's named "Queer as Folk" and "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!" Will and Grace, Rosie O'Donnel, Ellen Degeneres and even the Simpsons have resorted to pushing the GAY agenda upon Anytown U.S.A. Even though only ultra liberal cities can really relate to and appreciate all of the same sex propaganda on television today.
There was a time long ago when divorce was unacceptable, much less gay divorce. Now not only is divorce ok, but multiple divorce is common practice. It used to be shameful to fail in marriage. Now it is sometimes actually celebrated with divorce parties!
This is not what George Washington and our founding father's had in mind! Do you think that when Patrick Henry coined that infanmous phrase "Give me Liberty or give me death" that he really meant give me liberty or give me gay marriage? Do you think he meant give me liberty or give me free shit? I can't smoke a cigarette in a bar, but two guys can copulate in wedded bliss anywhere from Iowa to Massachuaetts? Good thing Ray Charles was blind when he sang "America the Beautiful" because he sure wouldn't want to see two guys having a tongue war, while true Americans fight a real war just so they can wed!
Long ago it was unheard of to have a kid out of wedlock. Today fetuses can be ripped from the woom just weeks away from birth! The President of our United States believes in just that. He once said that he would one day teach his daughters right from wrong when it came to the birds and the bees, but if they made a "mistake" they did not have to suffer with it! A mistake? Suffer? If only his mother would have thought him to be a mistake! Maybe our country would be on a better path.
That the United States still stands today is a minor miracle. Everything is geared towards eliminating God from most everything. Our pledge of Allegiance has been under attack for years and if you do not believe in separation of church and state, than YOU are the radical!
We as a nation have lost touch with what once made this country the blueprint for the rest of the globe. I can not speak for the majority, only my insignificant self, but when I was a young boy I thought that the Dad was supposed to work, Mom took care of the kids and the word crap was a mortal sin.
Presently teenage girls are blowing more boys than bubble yum bubbles and having more babies than a middle eastern bomber has virgins. Adolescents today know more about sex than I do at age 35!. Why shouldn't they? With double income families being both the norm and the only way to survive because of the luxuries that we deem necessary, parents do not raise children anymore. Daycare's and nannies do! Complete strangers influence our children's future everyday! They mold our youth! The unfiltered education one's untudored and untrained child receives from the Internet and multi-media sources will one day bring our spoiled culture to its deserving knees and soon.
We live in a world where the victim is no longer the victim and the criminal is the protected one. We have people suing restaurants because the coffee was too hot and they win millions, yet if a woman is raped it is her responsibility to prove that she did not deserve it! Hell, you have to do a broad search just to see if a child molester is your neighbor! Yet the ACLU still believes that we should separate church from state? The only argument for that is because we have Priests as pedophiles and alter boys forever altered!
Just the other day I read an article where 7 or 8 homosexual Lutheran Ministers in the disgusting city of San Fransisco were allowed to be pastors! WHAT? Seriously? How is that possible? I have absolutely no problem with two people in the privacy of their home being GAY! Two women making love, two men, yuck, Hell I don't give a damn if you want to screw a beagle and a chicken at the same time. Just don't push your agenda down my throat. NO PUN INTENDED. But having thy audacity to cloak thy religion under the cloud of cum that they stand by while they preach to millions makes me sick and the Lord our Shepherd is going to make us pay! Us? Yes us! Because we do nothing to end the madness. To change the plight of this once proud nation UNDER GOD!
This country has lost its way. The current administration is not to blame, but they are doing everything that they can to further that secular progressive CHANGE that is the liberal movement!
To me it is compelling to watch the steady decline of our society. Eroding slowly before our eyes and iPhones. In the last decade popular television shows such as Seinfeld, Friends, The Office, Entourage and even the macho Sopranos all felt it necessary to cram their queer itineraries upon the American public. So the next time you go to purchase that lap top, dvd or big screen plasma, realize that on them you will be watching the straw that BROKEBACK America's purple MOUNTAIN's majesty above the FRUITED plain!
You want change? Well then change your damned address. Get the Hell out of my country! The only great country still standing, before you bring us all down with you!
Chris Kalna (R)
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