Several years ago, controversial radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh was one of the pre-game anchors of the NFL. He, being an established celebrity personality and a very passionate football fan seemed to be the perfect fit to deliver opinions about the sport. Everything was running smoothly until one day when he expressed his personal thoughts regarding then Philadelphia Quarterback, Donovan McNaab of the Eagles. At the time McNaab had been struggling and the round table discussion centered on whether it was the QB's fault. Limbaugh responding to another anchor's opinion of the quarterback said that he never thought McNaab had ever been that good and that it was social angst propelled by both the media and the NFL to make him better than he actually was. Limbaugh suggested that the NFL and the media wanted to paint McNaab as the black hope of football. (no African American starting QB has ever won a Super Bowl, Doug Williams did for the Redskins but he was the back up and started by default) I compare that to boxing and the "Great White Hope" theory. For years boxing has not had a white heavyweight that dominated the sport since Rocky Marciano some 50 years ago. Anytime a white contender showed signs of greatness he was tagged the "great white hope." I cannot speak for Mr. Limbaugh but I believe this to be an accurate analogy. Though Rush was hired to give his opinion, he was fired for doing just that! He is still affected today by those harmless comments being recently turned down for an ownership bid of an NFL team in St. Louis. Many current and former black players spoke out against him, calling him a racist and promising never to play for such a man.
Ironically in the decade of the 80's the same thing happened to another pre-game football analyst, Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder. He was a sports odds maker who also was respected for his opinion. When being asked about race in sports he said that the black athlete was better. Because "they" were bred to be bigger. He went on to say that slave owners used to breed the biggest black slave with the biggest black women so that they would have a strong big black child. Though he went much farther on the subject of race in his comments and he happened to spew these word forth on Martin Luther King Day, he too was fired. He lost his job because he said some things in bad taste. There is absolutely no justifiable explanation for firing him though.
Another radio personality got himself in hot water for a statement about a Rutgers University women's basketball team. Don Imus, the long time New York star of his own syndicated radio show referred to the young ladies on the team as "rough lookin' girls," and nappy headed ho's. Although I do not think it sounds right for any white person to try and use Ebonics or the black vernacular that has been made popular in rap lyrics for 30 years. It is not justifiable to ruin a man's career because of a few hurtful words.
What has all of the young men and women over the years been fighting for overseas? FREEDOM! One of those freedoms concerns our ability to speak our minds. To voice our opinions, wrong or right, right or left. Freedom of speech no longer exists in this country, not as the Constitution was written at least. All men are created equal and want to be treated that way, but to accomplish that there cannot be double standards.
African Americans today have more freedom than any other time in this proud countries existence. In some situations a black person has more freedom to speak his thoughts openly than a white person. The consequences for giving your opinion today is not equal for the two races. "The only ni**ers on this planet are the white man and woman." A former college professor said these words while speaking about Katrina on the C-SPAN channel! His name is Kamau Kambon, an Author of racially divisive books and a anti-government loon. Kamau, 30 years ago "dropped out of the system." He and his wife, the President of College Psychologists were "at war." They stopped eating meat and dairy products because the white man wanted them dead! Slowly the white man wanted all blacks dead. They built a log cabin after moving from New York to North Carolina so that they would not have to "pay the white man" money. Because according to Mr. Kambon, the white man makes money from the black man's death. He went on to say that the only way to beat the white race was to exterminate them all! Now remember he was a college professor! How is that possible? Why is he allowed the freedom and ability to speak his mind without consequence? He said to "EXTERMINATE THEM ALL!" Not "nappy headed ho's." Yet one lost his job, the other was applauded on national television.
Our President has ties with two people guilty of reverse racism. Obama's Pastor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his friend Father Michael Pfleger have consistently poured fuel on the subject of race in religion. Wright referred to America as the U.S. of KKK and said that black Republicans were sell outs and were "below sea level." He also God damned America and said that we deserved the destruction of 9/11 and while saying "our chickens had come home to roost." The Catholic Pfleger while speaking at the Chicago Trinity church, said that Senator Hillary Clinton had felt that she was entitled to the Presidency because she was born white! He said that unless the white people today were willing to give up there benefits, 401k's and trust funds then they were as guilty as slave owners.
Black civil right leaders have been guilty of the same sort of rhetoric also. Al Sharpton insisted on Don Imus being fired yet recently referred to Jews as interlopers. Jesse Jackson, the leader of the Rainbow Coalition called Jews Hymie's and said that they live in Hymie town! Just last week when LeBron James the most celebrated basketball star of this generation left Cleveland for greener hardwood pastures in Miami, the Cleveland owner sent out a public letter bashing LeBron. No where in that letter was race the subject, but Jesse Jackson said that he sounded like he had a slave owners mindset. What? That should not only offend white people but any black person with slave ancestry should be sickened and call for his job! Because LeBron James is making more money than I would see if I'd live a thousand years. Oh the oppression. Not to mention his nickname is King James.
Another disturbing case has just been dropped by African American Attorney General Eric Holder. King Shamir Shabazz, the leader of the New Blank Panther Party of Philadelphia, along with another Black Panther was being charged with intimidating voters at a polling place in 2008 during the November election. He was waving and threatening incoming voters telling them that they were wasting their time and verbally abusing several white people. He also was caught on tape at some small rally screaming, this is not verbatim, "I hate white people! I hate every white cracker whore there is. If you want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers and kill some of their babies!" The sentencing was about to take place when out of nowhere Holder made the Justice Department drop the case! Why? Do you think maybe the NAACP, The Urban League or the ACLU might have had a hand in influencing their brother? Why is King Shabazz so angry? What makes any man that angry? He has every right to give his opinion, but when another man tries to insight murder, then he has to be stopped. There is an African American Attorney General and AN AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT! Does he really think he is helping his races cause by being a loud mouth, hate mongering bully? NO! He is just hurting his own cause.
It truly disgusts me. There is absolutely no place for that type of language anywhere in this great country. Through sacrifice and hard work, blood sweat and tears this country was built from scratch and has been the bastion of hope for many people all over this world. Color should not matter one bit. Not then and not now. The longer any race holds onto that kind of hate and bigotry the longer it will take this country to become color blind. The laws should apply to all people. If two KKK members would stand outside a polling place in Harlem in their cowardly garb, do you think that they would be allowed to do that? If black people themselves would not stop them by force you damn well know that law enforcement would!
So until all people of this nation are held equally accountable for both their words and their actions nothing can be changed or accomplished. Realizing our dreams will be but a dream. There always will be that tension between the races until this sort of double standard ends and people judge others not by the color of their skin, but by their character.
Our time here is so very short and as we float down life's winding river why muddy the waters with unwarranted hate and dislike for another human being just because of their skin color? Embrace our differences and eliminate the stereotypes we may have absorbed over the years. Try and think like a child. Innocent and not riddled with preconceived ideas about others. Do we not share the same wants? Good health, success defined individually, a family and a fair chance at being able to provide a comfortable life for the one's we love. That is all I need. That is all I want. And there is no better place in all the world than right here to accomplish those desires. Where anything is possible with hard work, determination and hope. But you can keep the change if King Shabazz represents it.
Chris Kalna (R) and One Proud American
Ironically in the decade of the 80's the same thing happened to another pre-game football analyst, Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder. He was a sports odds maker who also was respected for his opinion. When being asked about race in sports he said that the black athlete was better. Because "they" were bred to be bigger. He went on to say that slave owners used to breed the biggest black slave with the biggest black women so that they would have a strong big black child. Though he went much farther on the subject of race in his comments and he happened to spew these word forth on Martin Luther King Day, he too was fired. He lost his job because he said some things in bad taste. There is absolutely no justifiable explanation for firing him though.
Another radio personality got himself in hot water for a statement about a Rutgers University women's basketball team. Don Imus, the long time New York star of his own syndicated radio show referred to the young ladies on the team as "rough lookin' girls," and nappy headed ho's. Although I do not think it sounds right for any white person to try and use Ebonics or the black vernacular that has been made popular in rap lyrics for 30 years. It is not justifiable to ruin a man's career because of a few hurtful words.
What has all of the young men and women over the years been fighting for overseas? FREEDOM! One of those freedoms concerns our ability to speak our minds. To voice our opinions, wrong or right, right or left. Freedom of speech no longer exists in this country, not as the Constitution was written at least. All men are created equal and want to be treated that way, but to accomplish that there cannot be double standards.
African Americans today have more freedom than any other time in this proud countries existence. In some situations a black person has more freedom to speak his thoughts openly than a white person. The consequences for giving your opinion today is not equal for the two races. "The only ni**ers on this planet are the white man and woman." A former college professor said these words while speaking about Katrina on the C-SPAN channel! His name is Kamau Kambon, an Author of racially divisive books and a anti-government loon. Kamau, 30 years ago "dropped out of the system." He and his wife, the President of College Psychologists were "at war." They stopped eating meat and dairy products because the white man wanted them dead! Slowly the white man wanted all blacks dead. They built a log cabin after moving from New York to North Carolina so that they would not have to "pay the white man" money. Because according to Mr. Kambon, the white man makes money from the black man's death. He went on to say that the only way to beat the white race was to exterminate them all! Now remember he was a college professor! How is that possible? Why is he allowed the freedom and ability to speak his mind without consequence? He said to "EXTERMINATE THEM ALL!" Not "nappy headed ho's." Yet one lost his job, the other was applauded on national television.
Our President has ties with two people guilty of reverse racism. Obama's Pastor of 20 years, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his friend Father Michael Pfleger have consistently poured fuel on the subject of race in religion. Wright referred to America as the U.S. of KKK and said that black Republicans were sell outs and were "below sea level." He also God damned America and said that we deserved the destruction of 9/11 and while saying "our chickens had come home to roost." The Catholic Pfleger while speaking at the Chicago Trinity church, said that Senator Hillary Clinton had felt that she was entitled to the Presidency because she was born white! He said that unless the white people today were willing to give up there benefits, 401k's and trust funds then they were as guilty as slave owners.
Black civil right leaders have been guilty of the same sort of rhetoric also. Al Sharpton insisted on Don Imus being fired yet recently referred to Jews as interlopers. Jesse Jackson, the leader of the Rainbow Coalition called Jews Hymie's and said that they live in Hymie town! Just last week when LeBron James the most celebrated basketball star of this generation left Cleveland for greener hardwood pastures in Miami, the Cleveland owner sent out a public letter bashing LeBron. No where in that letter was race the subject, but Jesse Jackson said that he sounded like he had a slave owners mindset. What? That should not only offend white people but any black person with slave ancestry should be sickened and call for his job! Because LeBron James is making more money than I would see if I'd live a thousand years. Oh the oppression. Not to mention his nickname is King James.
Another disturbing case has just been dropped by African American Attorney General Eric Holder. King Shamir Shabazz, the leader of the New Blank Panther Party of Philadelphia, along with another Black Panther was being charged with intimidating voters at a polling place in 2008 during the November election. He was waving and threatening incoming voters telling them that they were wasting their time and verbally abusing several white people. He also was caught on tape at some small rally screaming, this is not verbatim, "I hate white people! I hate every white cracker whore there is. If you want freedom you gonna have to kill some crackers and kill some of their babies!" The sentencing was about to take place when out of nowhere Holder made the Justice Department drop the case! Why? Do you think maybe the NAACP, The Urban League or the ACLU might have had a hand in influencing their brother? Why is King Shabazz so angry? What makes any man that angry? He has every right to give his opinion, but when another man tries to insight murder, then he has to be stopped. There is an African American Attorney General and AN AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT! Does he really think he is helping his races cause by being a loud mouth, hate mongering bully? NO! He is just hurting his own cause.
It truly disgusts me. There is absolutely no place for that type of language anywhere in this great country. Through sacrifice and hard work, blood sweat and tears this country was built from scratch and has been the bastion of hope for many people all over this world. Color should not matter one bit. Not then and not now. The longer any race holds onto that kind of hate and bigotry the longer it will take this country to become color blind. The laws should apply to all people. If two KKK members would stand outside a polling place in Harlem in their cowardly garb, do you think that they would be allowed to do that? If black people themselves would not stop them by force you damn well know that law enforcement would!
So until all people of this nation are held equally accountable for both their words and their actions nothing can be changed or accomplished. Realizing our dreams will be but a dream. There always will be that tension between the races until this sort of double standard ends and people judge others not by the color of their skin, but by their character.
Our time here is so very short and as we float down life's winding river why muddy the waters with unwarranted hate and dislike for another human being just because of their skin color? Embrace our differences and eliminate the stereotypes we may have absorbed over the years. Try and think like a child. Innocent and not riddled with preconceived ideas about others. Do we not share the same wants? Good health, success defined individually, a family and a fair chance at being able to provide a comfortable life for the one's we love. That is all I need. That is all I want. And there is no better place in all the world than right here to accomplish those desires. Where anything is possible with hard work, determination and hope. But you can keep the change if King Shabazz represents it.
Chris Kalna (R) and One Proud American
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